Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Laybrinths of Madness -- Free PDF

Over the last month I've been working on a little side project which I have named Labyrinths of Madness. The name gives a hint as to what it is: a set of guidelines / house rules for running Lovecraftian games of horror and investigation using the familiar and well-loved Labyrinth Lord or B/X rules foundation.

As I say, it's only guidelines, and doesn't form a complete game or campaign setting. I reckon it's enough to get going with though, if anyone finds the idea of running such a game interesting.

Get it here FREE!


  1. Downloading now. This looks very cool!

  2. Looked it over, and everything looks solid. I would use this for a straight up game of Lovecraftian horror. Some of the design decisions you made here are closer to what I wanted out of Realms of Crawling Chaos, but I understand why Dan went the way he did. In the end, I think you stayed closer to the source material. Nice work, Gavin!

    1. Thanks Shane, it's great to get good feedback from a Cthulhu master such as yourself! My experience with CoC is minimal, so I was just doing what I felt seemed right to maintain the tone.

      The rules were just improvised and haven't been tested yet... Seems like some one-shots are in order!

      Agreed about RoCC. I really like it, but it's clearly aimed at fantasy games with a bit of Lovecraft influence, rather than a full blown Lovecraft-inspired horror/investigation game.

  3. I'm curious but don't have a lulu account.

    1. Huh? You need an account to download stuff from lulu? I didn't realise that -- oh no :(

    2. Send me an email or G+ message and I'll send you a copy.


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