Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Basic/Expert Core Rules: Looking for Proof-Readers

Edit: the response has been much quicker than I expected and I think I have enough people helping out now. Thanks to everyone who's offered their assistance!

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm working on a layout for the B/X Core Rules book. To ensure maximum quality and rules accuracy, I'm looking for some people to read through the laid-out PDF and give feedback on errors.

So, if you're passionate about B/X, a real pedant for grammar and/or rules, and would like to help out with this project to create a clean, clear, 100% accurate rules reference, please get in touch! (Comment on this post, contact me on Google+, email me at the address in the sidebar on the right.)

In return for your assistance, I'll put your name in the credits of the book and you'll get a free copy of the fancy-looking, illustrated PDF, when it's done.

Fight on!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Basic / Expert Core Rules: Layout in Progress!

Wow, this project has happened so quickly -- and almost out of nowhere! -- that it feels weird to say that I'm working on a properly laid-out version of the document and talking to illustrators about filling it with beautiful art! And yet, that is the current state of affairs.

And, I must say, I'm super happy with the results. I believe this book is a real step up from either Labyrinth Lord (my current go-to B/X clone) or the original B/X D&D books, in terms of ease of reference. All the rules for each topic are collated into one location and presented on a single spread (no page flipping!). I was actually surprised, combing through B/X in such detail, as I did, to discover how many little rules were hidden in out-of-the-way locations. In my book, all these orphans are reunited with their families.

As a little indicator of progress and a hint at how things are laid out, here's a preview of the book's table of contents.

I'm hoping to publish it in PDF and print form (digest size) some time this summer! Alongside, I'll release a plain text (RTF, I guess) document of the rules, fully OGC, for other people to play with.