Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Theorems & Thaumaturgy: Here It Is!

Just arrived this morning -- my test printing of Theorems & Thaumaturgy!

To my relief, everything looks perfect.

Thus: GET IT HERE...

(Hardcover, softcover and free PDF options. Note: the books are being sold at-cost.)


  1. Congrats!

    Nothing like the feeling of getting that first book you worked so hard into your hands!

    And a perfect time of year for Necromancers.

  2. That does look spiffy! Congratulations.

  3. Perhaps a softcover option too? Hardcover feels a bit overkill to me for 64 pages.

    1. Yeah I just did hardcover because that's what I always prefer personally, even for slimmer books.

      The problem is that lulu doesn't offer the option to make a softcover book with exactly the same dimensions as their hardcover books. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here!) This means that I'd have to completely redo the layout of the book for a softcover option. I may do this at some point, but the layout was a lot of work, so to be honest it's not mega high on my list of priorities right now. Sorry!

    2. I was disappointed to discover this at the last minute... I'd sort of assumed it'd simply be a case of uploading the one PDF and selecting two different publication options.

      Unfortunately not so simple :(

    3. Sorted! I found a bit of a cheaty method in the end and just played around with the margins until it fit. The end result looks fine though.

  4. Congratulations and thank you!!

  5. Very nice! Ordered the softcover one and put the PDF on my iPad...

    1. Hey Art, it's so great to hear that other people out there are going to get some gaming fun out of the spells I wrote and the illustrations from Cadanse and Kelvin! Hope the softcover is to your liking :)

  6. Got my softcover today. Very nice work, mate. :)

  7. Gavin, I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for sharing this as a free PDF. I love the stuff you post here on the blog and skimming through the book, I can see where you've improved upon the original versions of some things. Well done, sir. Some bits, at least, will find their way into my game.

  8. This is really stupendous. You've achieved what (interesting variations for magic users) I've long attempted. One typo? "Valiance in Death (N)" in index, I'm assuming is meant to be "Valour in Death".

    1. Hey Norman, great to hear that you like it!

      Hm I'll have to check up on that mis-named spell... it is one that I renamed at a late stage, so I guess that's where the discrepancy comes from. Thanks for pointing it out! (I'm always keen to hear about errata, so I can fix things.)


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