
Tuesday 4 October 2016

Theorems & Thaumaturgy Revised Edition: Another Sample Spread

All has been rather quiet on the Necrotic Gnome front for a little while. Eerily quiet. That's right, I've been stalking around in graveyards at night and touching dead people's faces. That and moving into a brand new, empty flat, which entails quite some amount of logisitcal effort, I've discovered.

In the meantime, while I've been busy attending to matters material, a couple of things have been creeping along in the background. One of those things is the resplendent revised edition of the perennial favourite Theorems & Thaumaturgy. I'm super excited about this beast. It represents a proper second edition of my first book, enhanced in many ways to be (to paraphrase George "the beast" Lucas) much closer to what I imagined as its potential, originally. Among other things (full details here), the layout and design have been completely redone and the book is being illustrated afresh, largely by the uncannily talented hand of David Coppoletti. (Cadanse D of the first edition returns with some remarkable pieces, along with leftfield entries from Claytonian "JP" and a sneaky guest appearance from none other than Russ Nicholson.)

Anyway, I can now reveal that things are looking on track for a November release date. A5 softcover. Slightly-larger-than-A5 (because that's what OBS offer) hardcover. 136 pages. And it's gonna have a black cover, proper grimoire style.

As proof of the non-phantasmagoric nature of this project, feast your eyes on this example spread from the necromancer chapter:


  1. David is a fantastic artist. I'm glad to see he's a part of the project.

    1. Yes! He's absolutely killing it. The book is looking gorgeous, as it nears completion.

  2. I love where you going with this and love the artist's vision for this section. Nice layout as well.


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