
Saturday 9 January 2016

LL Campaign House Rules

After playing around with D&D 5 last year (and deciding that, while there are some elements of it that I like, overall it's not really my cup of tea), I'm just about to start a new Labyrinth Lord campaign.

I've just finished compiling a short (6 page) house rules document, including details on the custom races and classes of my (very vaguely imagined) setting.

Click here to check it out!


  1. Very nice little doc. Like your race options.

  2. Very nice little doc. Like your race options.

    1. Thanks! The race options began as my own reskinnings of the D&D 5 races. In the transition to LL, I kept most of those and added a couple more (ratling, reptiloid, forest gnome) just for fun.

  3. Yes, there's quite the variety.

    I'm also intrigued by the standardized spellbooks idea, and the streamlined encumbrance and initiative options. =

    1. The standardised spell books idea is intended to speed up character creation. Choosing equipment and spells seems to always be the longest part of char gen, normally, so I wanted to experiment with some ideas to speed things up there.

      Ditto for initiative. I tire of rolling for it every single combat round, so thought a simple, static system might work fine.

      We've got our first session tomorrow, so I'll see how these ideas work out in practice.

  4. I really like the setting implied by some of this. Space Gnomes and Men of the Iron Planet! Also appreciate the lack of elves and dwarves. Not that they're terrible, but they're not exactly space gnomes fallen to the Urth.

    1. Thanks! They're mostly adaptations of my reskinned D&D 5 races:


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