
Thursday 21 May 2015

Making Camp: Part 2

Following on from yesterday's post, more optional camping procedures. (I'm skipping ahead a bit here, past the phase of setting up camp, to the rules for resting.)

The campsite set and any evening camaraderie complete, the party settle down to sleep. Each PC must make a rest check -- a CON (bushcraft, survival) check -- modified by the various factors listed below, to discover whether a good night's rest was achieved.

Resting Modifiers
For every extra hour spent searching for a campsite: -1
Sleeping in unsuitable site: -4
Location modifier: Varies
Bedroll: +2
Participating in a watch shift (up to two hours): -2
Cold (autumn or spring): -2
Extreme cold (winter): -4
Campfire (if cold): +2
Wet (including snow): -2
Disturbing sounds (howling wind, thunder, or babbling spirits, for example): -1
Soothing sounds (a waterfall or bubbling stream, for example): +1
Sleeping in light armour: -4
Sleeping in medium armour: -10
Sleeping in heavy armour: Automatic failure
Good cheer: +2
Discord (arguing, grudges, etc): -1
Hearty fare: +2
Meagre rations (includes dried trail rations): -1
No supper: -2
Awakening during the night (per occurrence, not including watch shifts): -1
Encounter during the night: -3
Sickness or poison: -2
Wounded or fatigued (less than half hit points): -1
Elf (requires less rest): +4
Halfling (lazy): -2

(Character personality traits such as "sensitive disposition" or "can sleep through anything" are generally indicated by the CON score but the referee may apply additional modifiers if deemed appropriate.)

Failure of the rest check has the following effects:
  • Cannot memorise spells. (The lenient referee may allow the character to attempt to memorise spells, with a save versus magic, per spell, indicating success at memorisation.)
  • -1 penalty to all attacks, saves, and ability checks. This is not cumulative over multiple nights without rest, but lasts until a decent night's sleep can be had.
  • Hit point recovery halved.

Sleeping in the Daytime
A party may choose to travel at night and sleep during the day. This incurs a -3 penalty to rest, unless the characters are accustomed to this routine (have been following it for at least a fortnight).


  1. Liked this post and the last.
    In reallife when planning a mountainouf hiking trip with family and freinds we were planning our route and had realy detaailed maps, there was on route that would have been beautiful and fairly leisurely to hike but we had to pass it by becasue the only place to camp was a narrow ledge with a 200 ft drop on one side (not a great spot to meet a dragon).

  2. Liked this post and the last.
    In reallife when planning a mountainouf hiking trip with family and freinds we were planning our route and had realy detaailed maps, there was on route that would have been beautiful and fairly leisurely to hike but we had to pass it by becasue the only place to camp was a narrow ledge with a 200 ft drop on one side (not a great spot to meet a dragon).

  3. Nice idea about the ledge! Added that one to the list ;)

    (I plan to expand the list of possible campsites, by the way, that was just some examples.)


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