
Saturday 19 May 2012

Theorems & Thaumaturgy -- status update

This morning, after some weeks of procrastination, I finally sat down and went through the last sections of the book making all the modifications suggested by the proofreaders (thanks Alex & Jim!).

So, the book's now in Bob's capable hands for some editing.

Nothing great to report apart from that, but just wanted to keep people informed on the book's progress, and that it is still bubbling away in the background.

Once the editing is complete, the next step will be to finalise the book's layout. Beyond the home-spun documents I've produced in LibreOffice, layout isn't something I have much experience with, so if anyone reading this would be interested in helping out at that stage, any advice or aid would be greatly appreciated!

Also if anyone out there would be interested in submitting a few illustrations for the book, please get in touch -- the more the merrier!

I'll leave you with a piece of artwork from Kelvin Green :)

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