It's just simple lists of spells, but I thought I might as well type them up, for completeness, rather than entirely discard them. So here we go.
Arcane Trickster
1st Level Spells
- Auditory illusion
- Dancing lights
- Darkness globe
- Doppelganger
- Charm person
- Feather fall
- Comprehend languages
- Jump
- Read languages
- Spider climb
- Unseen servant
- Ventriloquism
- Invisibility
- Phantasmal force
- Knock
- Levitate
- Locate object
- Detect invisible
- False gold
- Blink
- Haste
- Hold person
- Nondetection
- Suggestion
- Infravision
- Arcane eye
- Charm monster
- Dimension door
- Polymorph self
Arcane Champion
1st Level Spells
- Light
- Magic missile
- Burning hands
- Protection from evil
- Shield
- Shocking grasp
- Detect evil
- Scare
- Strength
- Pyrotechnics
- Mirror image
- Ray of enfeeblement
- Dispel magic
- Fireball
- Lightning bolt
- Haste
- Hold person
- Protection from normal missiles
- Enchant arms
- Fire shield
- Ice storm
- Wall of fire