
Monday 6 February 2012

Theorems & Thaumaturgy art sneak preview!

Slowly but surely artwork is coming in for the book, and it is starting to look so awesome I just couldn't resist showing off a couple of snippets! These are just extracts from the full images, as a little taster of how the book is shaping up.

Firstly, something necromantic.

And secondly something vivimantic.

Click both for a bit more detail.

(Both these extracts are from illustrations by the awesome Cadanse D. The book will also feature illustrations by Kelvin Green and Dylan Cromwell.)


  1. Classic stuff. Kudos to the artist!

  2. Gavin, I keep trying to proofread your work, but it won't print for me. :( It crashes my laser printer every time. I'm sorry. I'm still hoping to pore through it, but it's hard to proof without a paper copy... maybe that's just me...

    PS: the art looks cool!!

  3. Hey Jim, I've just sent you an email to your gmail with a newer version of the PDF. Hopefully should work with your printer!


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